Friday, January 17, 2014

If it's not one thing... It's another

I am going to have gray hair by the time I'm 27.. Which is a few months away. 

So we ready have Little miss Ella in birth to 3. Her PT comes twice a month and Dev specialist comes once a month. 

PT came and it was a good session! We discussed how she has improved, her strength. What exercises to do, etc. We talked about her head shape. She said going to see an orthotist wouldn't be a bad idea. She may or may not need a helmet. I'm seriously at odds with this. Is it worth it for just a tiny but if correction to out my precious baby girl through that? 

 I posted the question on my multiples twin group and got a heck of a lot of backlash. Instead of flipping out on them, I left that dumb group and moved on. Lucky for them, because I had a lot of choice words I wanted to say. 

We have that appointment jan 28th. 

Our developmental specialist came yesterday. I had no hesitations about his appointment whatsoever. She's far above and beyond Bria so I wasn't concerned. Until she decided to shake a high pitched rattle next to her ear. She didn't move. 

My husband has hearing loss. We have prayed, or I have at least since Day 1- not to pass on his hearing difficulties with any of our girls. And now this. Now- we ae getting both E and B tested jan 31st. Screw the helmet I'm may more nervous about this one. 

I have never noticed her not listening or responding. So this certainly comes as a shock. I have no words and am still feeling anxiety from it. 

I need to let God handle my worry, which I can easily do when I'm with the girls. When I'm away from them, like now, it consumes me. 

We need lots and lots of prayers. I'm hoping the hearing is due to wax build up and nothing else. I just feel so bad for Ella...

They are too perfect for anything to be wrong! 

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