Monday, July 22, 2013

Delivery Countdown Is On! (Pretty much)

I finallllllyyyyyy got to see my regular dr! Not only did I see my regular dr, I saw my regular nurse practitioner who sees me when Petra (my OB) isn't there! Win Win! 

We had our non stress test. The babies were pretty sleepy and they made me eat peanut butter crackers to try and wake them. After 40 minutes, we finally got the movement we needed! 

Donna, my NP, came in and checked my cervix! Becauseeeee, Friday I lost my mucous plug! It was super weird and have never seen that much CM at once. So, she checked me and she said my cervix is soft but still high and closed. Softening is a good sign meaning things are coming along as they should. But, it could change any minute so watch all the symptoms. 

Pertra came in and gave me a run down of what would happen. If I make it until August 12, 37 weeks we will schedule an induction for that week! If it happens before, to text her and she will try to make sure she is there for delivery. We have the option for c section or vaginal since both babies are head down. I'm still unsure what the best, most safe route is. I have prepared myself for either one! 

She was pretty shocked to hear I am still working and asked if I planned on delivering at work! :) she was also surprised to hear how big the babies were! Thanks GD! :/ 

In 3 weeks, we should have some babies in our arms!!!! Seriously so crazy!!!!!! 

:) :) :) 

33+3 ( at 33+6 right now) and measuring full term for a singleton! Go figure! :) 

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