Thursday, July 18, 2013

33 Weeks + 2 Days!

As I sit here typing, after eating a Carlton of carbs because my sugar went down to 66 and I was shaking, I still don't feel well. Tomorrow is my non stress test and I'm going to let them know I don't think I need this medication. Not when you eat several pieces French toast and syrup and 2 hours later your sugar is only 80! 

The babies are moving like crazy so I know they are just fine- I just need to make it to 830 (when I'm safely home) to crash in bed and eat lots of carbs apparently! 

I am still shocked I am this far along. I know I say that alllll the time, but pregnancy is seriously so amazing and when it seemed like a distant dream 9-12 months ago, it's an awesome feeling to know you are 33+2 weeks pregnant with twins, still working full time, and overcoming everything that is common with multiples! Helps I have kick ass coworkers that love theses babies as much as I already do! 

On another note, I spent the night in Flatwoods with my husband yesterday and even though I realized I was too big for the double bed (I mean we have a king size at home.. I never even know Andrew is there sometimes) so I had to sleep in a separate bed, but it was great to see him and cuddle while watching big brother! He has my heart! 

&&&& he is home today! Can't wait to come home to him in 6.5 hours!!! 

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