Monday, February 17, 2014

Why Having Twins Rock

Not to down play having a singleton. There are many opportunities such as toting your singleton around on your hip that twin mommas can't do, but I feel like this post is a long time coming. 

We take our twins out as much as we can. My husband and I have only been out without our girls twice. Once to do all our Christmas shopping in one entire day, and the other to shop the day after Christmas to get wrapping paper. That's it. I already feel like I lose out on enough time with them when I work full time- I'm not about to give up one second more! Which is why my husband and I probably won't watch a movie until they are 5 and can sit through one on their own and we all go as a family of four. I waited waaaay too long to get these girls here and I don't plan on pawning them off on anyone- sorry all the people that want to watch them! :) 

We take them out a lot, and we always get the same comments. Oh bless you, better you than me, or the go-to line: your hands must be full. 
I would love to say- I am VERY blessed, I'm more than happy to take any twins you have off your hands so yes I guess better me than you, and yes ding dong- our hands are full, now stop gawking and let us shop.

I'm tired of saying- they are actually good babies.. No one listens, they go on and just shake their head. 

People stop and stare and ask questions. & always say something negative. 

These babies weren't unplanned, they were very planned. My husband actually wanted twins! So there. Move along. 

(This post has taken me days to write so my timeline may be off). 

I was just talking to another twin momma who brought her girls over today and she said everyone should experience twins and she's right! Everyone should. No having 2 under 2 doesn't count. Try two needy newborns, and only having two hands. It's not the same. Sorry. 

Having twins and raising these girls will be my greatest accomplishment no matter what I achieve. 

Twins are double the:
Developmental accomplishments 
Hands to hold
Puppy dog eyes

Twins are truly double everything. They are best friends and my best friends. They are so amazing to watch interact. The smiles you get in the morning after a refreshing nights sleep (for them).. Yea I get that two times! 

Twins are special. My girls are extraordinary. They are wombmates and best friends. They complete my life I. So many ways and I am BLESSED and thankful they are mine. That I was thought strong and confident enough to raise twins. 

So, yes my hands are full with the neatest  and most epic thing that will ever happen to me. 

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