Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Crazy Train!

It's been a crazy/rough/fun couple weeks here! We have had minimal snow days (minus today, whoop whoop) so I have had to take the girls to my mommas (meaning I have to get up half an hour earlier. Boo! )

Bria has been fussy. I'm not sure of fussy is the word, but she's been hard to put to sleep; isn't comforted by her bink, isn't content and has been chewing the crap out of everything! Today she officially cut her first tooth! It's through the gums people! 

I would LOVE to have a photo, but she barely opens up for me to touch it and take a teensy peek, let alone get a snapshot! 

Here's what we have been doing to help her teething process. We checked her temp consistently and no fever so we didn't give Tylenol, but in hind sight- it may have been useful. 

Sophie The Giraffe- the new version. 
Literally the best teether toy we haven she gnaws on it and you can hear her chewing. 
Pacifier- she chews and chews and chews on her pacifier. I think it will need replaced soon. 
Mesh Teething Bag- found in my last post. With ice. She loves. 
Orajel- there were days when she wouldn't suck her bottle without it. Poor thing. 

I cannot believe my little baby has a tooth! Crazy! 

Bria has been sitting up like a big girl for a month now.. 
 And now her sister has decided she wants to too!

Ella is basically crawling. Today she got up on all fours. I'm.not.ready. 

Ella found a new love. 

This jumparoo is perfect! It kind of floats and she loves it. Right. Left. Right. Left. It's hysterical. 

We have also started baby food! Green beans baby! Bria was all about it at first. Ella wasn't sure what to do, now you can't feed Ella fast enough. Here's aftermath day 1, round 2. 

She can also palm a baby basketball. Making daddy proud! 

Today was also nana's birthday! 

It seriously doesn't get cuter. 

We also went to a consigment sale and spent $51.. Whoops! Got a lot of summer rompers, pjs and these swimsuits! Pleassseeee bring on summer! 

& ended the night with this view. 
2/3rd of my heart. The other third was in my lap! :) 

God fufilled dreams I never even knew I had. 

Blessed. Period. 

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