Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy 6 Months!

A day late. Such is life.. 

Seriously. I want to cry. I would cry but right now it's moreso due to lack of sleep than anything. It's sad. I feel like the newborn stage was hard with sleep but I was prepared. I prepared myself. Now, that I KNOW the girls can sleep through the night. It's frustrating when they get up at 445/5 to eat. Usually they go right back to sleep. Ella was having a tough time this morning. 

I posted on Facebook yesterday how crazy is it that everyone tells you how fast it goes. And you're like yea... Yadda Yadda...  I've heard it before. But it's ridiculously true. It's such a weird bittersweet type of feeling! 

Our Ellie Bellie, 

You are a rolling fool! We lay you on your back to play and you immediately roll to your belly and start moving! You are army crawling very well now and I expect you to crawl in a few weeks! It won't be long! Your blonde hair seems to be getting a little longer/more fuzz! Your eyes are still deep blue (I'm still hoping someone has brown eyes!)! You are barely squeezing into 3-6 month sleepers but 3-6 month clothes are a tad baggy. You are still in size 2 diapers! You are starting to make a lot of noises and experimenting with sound. We are convinced pappy and nanny are trying to get you to say pappy first because you make a P sound. Daddy is hoping your first words are da-da! You still look so much like momma and people are starting to see our resemblence! You love your activity center and all your little toys, anything you can chew and you especially love Violet! Your favorite thing to do is play on the floor and roll everywhere. We are working on sitting up but you just roll from one side to the next! You're getting there! You had a lot of time with daddy this month because of the big snow storms we have had! We are so proud of everything you have done! Your PT says you are very advanced for you age! This past 6 months has been the best! Thank you for being you! Mommy and daddy love you to the moon and back! 

Our Baby B! 

You are such a big girl! You have web sitting up for a month now and now you are a pro! You could sit up and play all day! You aren't so much for tummy time and don't have a interest in crawling but you will get there! You are slowly growing out of 3-6 month sleepers but in 3-6 month clothes fit you well or are pretty baggy! You are in size 2 diapers just like sis! You hair is coming in a lot! It's a dark blonde/light brown! Your eyes are getting a little gray in them and will probably be hazel like daddy's! You say ma-ma! Which is my favorite accomplishment from this month!! At first you only said it when crying, but now you say it when playing too! You have started making a b noise as well, so I'm not sure what that will end up! You still look a lot like daddy's baby picture, even though some people think you still look like momma! You love (like are obsessed) with your jumparoo! You adore your puppy violet and pretty much any toy you can put in your mouth! You had a lot of time with daddy this month because of the big snow storms we have had! Ella's PT said you are very advanced for your age with your sitting up so well! We are so proud  everything you have done! The past 6 months have been the best!! Thank you for being you! Mommy and daddy love you to the moon and back! 

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