Thursday, September 5, 2013

So - When/are you going to have more?

I despise this question! 

Hate it really! 

Our girls are barely 3 weeks old and I have been asked numerous times already. Are you done? Are you going to have more? When are you going to have more? 

Honestly- it's none of your business. Just like its none of your business if I have twins that run in my family or if I did infertility treatments. #1) I don't know my medical history, thank you. Being adopted- thats normally the case. Plus, my birth mother adamantly refused to divulge any information- so remind me again that I don't know it because of her   insensitivity.
#2) Why, yes we actually did fertility treatments. Only medication and shots. The medication chosen for us was only supposed to release one egg. But- that's not to say we didn't want the chance at multiples. When given the option if your cycle would fail, I chose Clomid- a drug that definitely increases your chance at multiples over having to leave my doctor and start the IUI process. 

We have twins & they are our world. 

But- when we get asked if we are going to have another- and we respond with no. We get- what?! You can't say that! (Ummm - okay then. Why did you ask me?) of course I can say that. You have no idea the journey and difficulty it took to conceive these two miracles. I, we, cannot imagine going through the process again- emotionally and financially. I don't think I could have my faith tested again like that. I was pretty disappointed in myself to see that sometimes  I questioned God's plan. Who was I? I was the girl that consistently said everything happens for. A reason, but I couldn't believe or live by my own words. 

Maybe we will have more kids, but so I have to explain we have discussed fostering or adopting since we have been together? I understand in the TTC community, these words and decision isn't foreign, but around here it's Kirk what?! Why would you want someone else's baby when you could have your own? 

We want to save a life. Like mine was saved. Who knows where I would have ended up- if anywhere. I was blessed, lucky and everything else- to be placed with my now mom and dad. But- is that any of your business? Sorry- no. 

This is probably coming off super mean, (I am lacking sleep at the moment) but I needed to get it off my chest. Just think before you ask that question. It's loaded- in more ways than one. 

Ill leave you with pictures of my adorable two miracles that I cry watching daily! 

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