Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy ONE MONTH!!!

It's so surreal I am celebrating the girls' one month! I am doing it- while pumping! (Hey! Accomplishment) while they are sleeping! I need to make bottles and create their one month board but I need to feed them more! :) 

My little Ellie- you aren't so little anymore! You have officially grown out of your preemie clothes and diapers and I wanted to shed a tear, but Daddy reminded me we would rather have you in newborns because that means you are growing! & you are growing fast! Your last appointment you were 6lbs 1 ounce! A far cry from the 4lbs 6 ounces you got down to at the hospital! You are slowly catching up to you little (I mean younger) sister Bria! You started out very mellow and relaxed, but lately you have been trying to outdo your sister and see how can be more fussy/needy! You can hold your head up for a few seconds and you love to roll from side to side! I love when I change your diaper and your hands immediately go up in the air as if you are saying "whyyyy mommy.. Whyyyy". I love your wrinkly forehead and the worried looks you always have. I love your duck face you make! You have filled out and changed looks so much already! I wish you could stay this small, but like the lady in Walmart said- they have to grow up. (Which I was totally joking, only making a statement about how snuggly and small you two were). Always remember, even when you are 16 years old and don't know why we have the rules that we do, we love you very much! More than you will ever know! We prayed for years to be parents and God have us two amazing miracles- you and your sister! Love you Ellie Baby! 

Our Baby Bria- You have been a diva from Day One! Daddy has called you a drama queen since we left he hospital! You love to be held, which we love as well, it just makes it hard when Ella wants held too! Your last appointment you weighed 7lbs 4.5 ounces- your older/bigger? Sister is catching up to you! You are in size newborn clothes and diapers and have been since you were born! You can hold your head up very well and love to look around! You hate blankets and immediately kick them off as soon as we put one on! I love your cry, it's so sad and makes us know as soon as we pick you up, you're fine- all you needed was mommy or daddy! I love when you are super hungry- and we try to feed you a bottle- you will go back and forth with your face super fast trying to get it! I love your gorgeous hair and your eyes which I think will be hazel, like daddy's! I want you to know, like Ella, we prayed for you girls for years. So remember that in 15/16 years when daddy and I aren't your favorite people. We love you no matter what! Love you Bri!! 

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