Wednesday, September 11, 2013

4 Weeks Old!

Our baby girls are 4 weeks old and they celebrated by sleeping a stretch of 4 hours!!! Upon leaving the hospital- we were told not to let Ella go 3 hours without eating- I hope at almost a month old that rule isn't in effect although I about had a heart attack when I realized how long it has been since they ate! 

I'm going to wait to do their official month post on the 13th which is apparently considered the actual one month for them (even though -4 weeks = one month-- hello!) but, nevertheless. 

I'm on Week 2- Day 3 tomorrow of being by myself during the day, and thank the good lord my sister doesn't ever have a thing to do! She has came over the past 2 days to help! Monday- I was desperate! I probably would have taken anyone! I was trying to pump because my books were about to explode- which they Kinda did all over my shirt and shorts. Bria was screaming and Ella was whining and neither of them take comfort in their pacifier- only in mommy and daddy's (or someone else's) arms, which generally melts my heart and I love it.... Monday I cried- with liquid gold just pouring out and being wasted on my shorts, I was not happy. Monday morning however, the girls laid in the pack n play (awake) and let me make bottles, clean bottles, do dishes and do a quick kitchen clean up! Normally, our two beauties need attention 24/7 and can't be left alone to just "chill." 

Tuesday- the girls were a little fussy. I probably could have managed- I would have cried- again, but my sister was a dear and left her child at home with her daddy and came to help me! I do feel like super mom though because I was holding and feeding Bria with my still bum (carpal tunnel I'm guessing) left hand and my chin & feeding Ella in her bouncer with my right hand. I didn't think the burping all the way through and Ella didn't burp as well, but she didn't spit up either! I was always nervous to feed them both at once because both girls tend to choke- which is super scary! But- they were champs and I felt accomplished! 

We got a few newborn pictures back which I will post as well as I had my mom do a quick family photo session- I plan to get a better one done with the help of my sister- and my editing skills! :) 

Our gorgeous princesses!! I just love Ella's wrinkly head! 

I cried watching her take this. Even though my girls were in separate sacs  in utero, I couldn't help but imagine this is how they spent 9 months inside me!! 

My husband swears this is the photograph that the girls will say, mom.. Whyyyyy? When they get older, but I don't care! :) I love the little mermaid and my own momma made these awesome outfits! 

Our first (nice looking) family photo! Of course we have the one from the hospital where I look just awesome (not) from pushing out two babies who were an hour apart! 

I seriously love our family of four and can't wait to document it all on here and through photos! They may hate it when the are 13-16, but will appreciate it when they are a tad older! :) & don't you just love my mommas cat! She photo bombed pretty much every picture and I couldn't bring myself to photoshop him out! 

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