Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Jolie's Birth Story

So lets back up. 

Monday. I call to get my appointment changed. I use the excuse- I won't have my kids the next day and it would be easier. In reality, I was just anxious.

I go. They are like oh you are 39+5. No.. I think I'm 39+3. Nope. I'm wrong. My due date is actually Wednesday the 13th. Who knew. 

So, he so kindly. And painfully stripped my membranes and he's like, oh you will have spotting, cramping and possibly some contractions. Sweet, progress. 

I went back to work and nothing. 

Tuesday I started to lose my mucous plug a little bit. I got excited and thought today!! I worked 8-1 and Andrews school for an early dismissal for snow! 

I lost more of the mucus plug throughout the day and night. But no contractions. 

I wake up pregnant again. 

I did laundry and realized how many mis matched kid socks I have. 

Snapped this while the girls napped and I actually did my hair! 
Since I was 40 weeks and all. 

The girls woke up and we ventured over to my sisters. 

I took This picture from her recliner. 10 minutes later I moved and pretty much peed myself. I was like oh. (Wide eyed emoji). 

I ran to her bathroom. I had soaked through my pad. But my pants and underwear were still good.  I couldn't tell if I peed myself or my water broke. So my sister gave me a new pad. Said lay down on the couch, if in 10 minutes when yo get up- it gushes. It's Your water. 

I laid down. 3 minutes later. I sneezed or coughed (I can't remember). And BAM. It was definitely my water. 

I ran to the bathroom. Needed new underwear and pants. And texted me husband it was for real. It was about 245 at this point, class ends at 315. Luckily, since it happened at my sisters- she took my kids, fed them dinner and put them to bed. 

We ran home finished packing. Which of course I forgot a ton of stuff but whatever. And headed over. They put me in triage. Tested to see if it was my water or not- and yes it was. They checked me and I was at a 3 still. I got put in a room and a super nice nurse got me started waking. Unfortunately it didn't do anything. So they started me on Pitocin. 

Around 630pm my contractions were getting intense at 2-3 minutes apart. I was still only a 3. But,I thought I better call for the epidural. 2.5 hours later. By the time the nurse came, started my IV drip, etc. I got an epidural. I felt like I was dying a slow death. Seriously how do people do it without them. I'll never know. 

At this point I hadn't been checked since 6. So around 945 she checked me.. 7. The nurses didn't seem too confident so either they were newbies (she did spend like 10 minutes in there) or I was a tad farther along.. 

She called the on call dr, Dr Hembree, whom I had never met. She checked me and said 10+2. Whatever the heck that meant. That was around 10:49 pm, Andrew Texted my parents and used the bathroom while they set up. I pushed for exactly 30 seconds. I thankfully and amazingly couldn't feel the contractions which was much different than before. Heck this was all different than before. I gave birth in an OR full or 20+ people. They took my babies away immediately and I didn't get them back for 1.5 hours.

The nurse held my right leg, Andrew held my left leg. I couldn't feel a contraction so she pressed on my belly and told me when to push. 

1-10 seconds
Again 10 seconds
Dr. Hembree asked if I had one more in me.

Sure, I can't feel anything. 

10 seconds. At this point, I did need a break, I felt short of breath. She said oh, I can see her head, she has some hair. She then laughed and said oh she's moving her head back and forth. And dr, Hembree motioned her head like she was doing. 

I laughed. 

She said OH! She's coming out. Which made me laugh again. And there she was. 

10:58PM.. 9 minutes since Andrew had texted my parents. She was here! 

They put her on my chest immediately! I can't even describe that feeling. It was so different this time. So different. 

8.2lbs, 20.5" and I laughed her out with a push of 30 seconds. I can't even believe it. It couldn't have went Better, the dr was amazing. Within 8.5 hours of my water breaking- I had her! 

Jolie Annalynn Moore

Baby girl with all the cheeks, born on her due date. Imagine that. 

Will update big sisters reactions later. 

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