Sunday, February 15, 2015

Weekend Recap Edition 1

Eventually when I'm caught up on life blogging. The sequencing will make more sense. Anywho. For now. I want to start this because we had a fantabulous weekend and I even worked Sarurday! 

It was my Mamaws birthday! The big 7-8! We go eat lunch at her house once a week usually. I was obsessed with going to her house growing and they are pretty much home everyday. Usually- Friday's are our lunch date day. This friday happened to fall on her birthday. We woke up and hadn't even changed out of our pajamas to make this happen. 


Until nap time. 

Post nap- we ran around town. Getting lunch, picking up her ice cream cake and finally after 3 trips from the car into her house- we were ready to celebrate. 

Ella was a fan of smushing the icing around. B was a spectator. 

We stayed until 2ish and came home. The girls were cranky! Andrew came home for a teensy but before his game. He let around 4. They are killing me when I try to get dinner ready so I opted for left over and microwave mashed potatoes. Don't judge. 

Saturday I worked and after a meltdown finally managed to sneak out of the house with little tears. I was late leaving work. & I met my husband and the girls at the restaurant by our house. One of my favs. They were entertainment for most of the people there. They did great.

Sunday- we needed to go to the grocery store bad. We did that before nap time. 

After nap I was sad I had to run to bridgeport to pick up some shirts, but I needed too. 

I made these for a girl I work with and I'm having a play date on Wednesday. But. We made up for it Sunday afternoon!

I'm dying... Dying. I love them so much. 
And now that we've played outside. We desperately need more play clothes. They get dirty quick! 

Ella wanted to push it so bad! Finally bria figured she could lay back and keep her foot on the pedal and ella thought she was pushing her. So it worked. 

Then we went to the play ground5 minutes from the house. 

They actually did the big kid slide! No pictures but their scared facials were hilarious! 

I'm dying at this picture. I hope they like basketball because we will have some amazing pictures for them to look back on! 

We came back. Ate dinner (crockpot is seriously becoming my BFF) & that was that. 

Today is starting off pretty great already too! I almost always work Monday's and I have today off! Whooop! 

3 ft Lego tower?! Why not! 

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