Monday, September 15, 2014

13 Months! 13!!!!!

Okay. Time is going faster- I'm almost positive. Yup. It is. 

Ella Faith, 

You have tested my patience in so may ways this past month with your newfound independence. You know what you want and when you want it. It's not a bad thing, but it's so hard to read all your cues- usually you say "eh" "uh" etc. You has become much more Of a talker these past few weeks. You can say shoes. You go get your shoes, I sit Indian style and you back you booty up and plop down on my lap! One of my favorite accomplishments this month! You also repeat a lot of what mommy is saying. I say one, you say two. We do a lot of counting!! A lot! You are atill a solid rock of muscle and you are so strong! You picked up an entire milk Jug full of water! You are crazy! We call you baby hulk sometimes! You know what I mean when I say do you want to go take a nap? I open the gate and you crawl up the stairs. Daddy said you two were so sleepy today you walked into your room and stood beside your crib! Such a smartie! Some of my favorite things you do or say besides two and shoes- if how fast you ride your horse-- it's hilarious! I'm convinced one day you are going to buck off but so far, so good! I love when I open up my arms you walk right into them and hug me, your open mouth kisses- usually 4/5/6 in a row! Your smile! It lights up your whole face! I mean- it's to die for! 
Puh lease girlfriend. I'm dying. 

I love how free and independent you are. You would walk all the way down the road by yourself without looking back once if we would let you, but yet you still love to keep me in sight! Even if I am In the bathroom! 

You are down to 2 bottles a day and I can't seem to get you to drink milk out of a sippy! But you love love water! You live most foods, fruits are hit and miss but you are the neatest water out of the two (you are still messy though). Your favorite snack is either- string cheese or cheese puffs/balls. Seriously you can be throwing a fit or crying and stop all together if you see one of those! You have grown so much with your vocabulary in the past two weeks I can't wait to see what's next! Love you to the moon and back little one! 

Bria Cole,

Oh Bria! You are still our uber sensitive girl! You love to be loved, you love to be cuddled and worn (baby wraps- Aunt Neenie has you hooked on that)! You are so sweet and love to hug/kiss all your stuffed animals! So cute! You also love to be held and hugged yourself! You still have no interest in walking. But I know you secretly can do it- you just want to wait until the time is right. You sometimes will forget you aren't holding on and stand for a few minutes or turn and walk to me. Then collapse in my arms!! One day.. :)
  You are still such a talker and I'm pretty sure you repeated "Andrew " the other day and I have it on video! You will babel all day long and repeat okay everything we say! Your hair is getting so long and my favorite is pulling the top into a pony tail! 
You understand so much of what I say it's crazy. I can ask if you are ready for a nap and you crawl to the gate. I open it up and you Start crawling upstairs. I ask if you want num nums and and you start saying num nums and licking your lips. In the last month you have become more acclimated wih grass- which you hated before. You are obsessed with crawling up the slide. You are so good you crawl up by yourself, turn yourself around, sit and slide down all by yourself! It's the cutest little thing! 
We are so in love with your hearty belly laugh, your adorable smile and how much you love us. You love to be happy and are easily offended. You have the saddest cry. 
You love food and snacks/ cheesies are a new favorite! You are still a very messy eater! It's getting harder and harder to clean your clothes!! I use a bottle of spray on your clothes for every 2 loads of laundry. It's making for a lot of laundry! 
We can't wait to see what you accomplish this month! Love you and sis to the moon and back!! 

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