Monday, August 19, 2013

The Moore Twins Birth Story

So much has happened! Let start with the appointment I couldn't wait for! August 12! 

We go have an ultrasound and you can see the tech measuring Baby A. She double measures, triple measures. She tells us Baby As stomach looks a little small, but she is measuring 5 lbs 10 ounces. She goes onto measure Baby B. 6lbs 10 ounces. A pound difference. She says that since Baby As stomach looked small they wanted to see how she practices breathing and if there was any movement. No movement, but we still had a heartbeat. There was a glimmer of catching her breathing and finally she moved. 

We were set back out in the waiting room as the doctors read my ultrasound. I burst into tears. Something was wrong. I knew it. Andrew tried to comfort me, but I had several ultrasounds and they were never like that one. 

We finally went back and my OB Petra came in. She said ultrasound came back and we are sending you to labor & delivery now. I was shocked. I immediately started crying, again. I knew it. Something wasn't right. I kept wondering what I did wrong. I knew I shouldn't have started the diabetic medication. That had to be it. She said Baby As fluid was low and she didn't want to wait until Thursday when she planned on inducing us. We told her we weren't prepared and needed to run home to grab our bags. She agreed and told us to return to labor and delivery by 2pm. 

I don't know why, but I started crying again. I felt like something else was wrong. Honestly, to this day- I'm convinced Ella stopped growing, but I can't say that 100%. We ran home, did the dishes in the sink, piss poorly finished packing out bags, and left. Stopped at the dollar store for snacks for Andrew and stopped at McDonalds for lunch on the go since I knew once I got there I wouldn't be able to eat or drink much. 

We checked in and our nurse was named Nicole. They started my IV and by 245 Pitocin was officially started. 

They stuck me and the babies on monitors and would check me very 4 hours. I was a 1cm 90% effaced for like a whole day.. Pretty much. I slowly made it to a 2-3cm, where they decided to break my water. At this point it was 24 hours after Pitocin was started. August 13, 2013 around 230ish. I was having contractions according to the monitor before up to 90 some. As soon as they broke my water the contractions were intense! I couldn't see the monitor and asked Andrew what the number was and he said in the 30s! I said what?!?? 30s?!?  If hurt so bad! 

I, of course, didnt want to seem like a baby... but-- Our amazing nurse said if you can feel them now and they hurt. It's only going to get worse. So I asked for the epidural immediately. 

Anesthesia came in about 45 minutes later and after several attempts due to my scoliosis they finally got it in.. I could feel the effects within a half an hour and knew my left side was barely affected. So she has me lay on my left side until my next check! 

They kept coming in and saying dilated to a 2,,, 2-3...3... Finally at 5pm a different doctor came in and said I don't want I disappoint you, I think you may be at a 4, but I want to get Dr. Leonard, the last dr that checked you and see what she says. 45 minutes later, we started to realize that that morning, Dr. Leonard told us she was only here until 5. Finally, at 6pm my regular OB walked in with my nurse. She checked me and made a face. You never know about her- if it's a good face or a bad face! She literally bent down and took and peak and apparently saw some baby, she made the nurse look and she said- we are heading to the OR now! 

I was shocked- how on earth did I go from barely a 3 to a disappointing 4- to a 10?!? 

The next part went by so fast. There were about 12-15 people in this tiny delivery Operating Room. Andrew was on my right, my amazing nurse was on my left and Petra and Dr. Payne (ironic huh?!) were "down there".  I puked a few times, pushed for 20 minutes and at 6:28pm, Ella Faith Moore was born. She has white peach fuzz in the back and was a tiny 4lbs 13 ounces! Andrew got to go back and see her and take a few pictures! 

They took her straight away to the warming room and I didn't get to see her or hold her. Next, they proceeded to break my water for baby B. You could tell they were teaching a resident how to do it.. I immediately started feeling the contractions. I knew my epidural had started to wear off. I could feel it only left side. She told me if I could feel it- to push. So I did. My water really broke. Everywhere. I'm pretty sure it scared most of the people. The contractions started getting worse- coupled with Bria's little behind nestled on my right side in my ribs- it was getting pretty painful. I kept complaining and Petra kept asking what was hurting, I told her the contractions. Then she said, lets call anesthesia. At that point, it had been 40 some minutes since Ella was delivered. I thought oh no... My worst nightmare. I am going to have to have a c-section! Apparently she was calling them for more medication, I had a pump however and Andrew hit the pump button for me, but I didn't feel that dose of medication until after I delivered Bria. 

Petra was very calm during the whole thing, but I do specifically remember hearing her say- there's the cord. By the looks of Bria when she came out- I'm going to guess the cord was wrapped around her neck. They probably didn't tell me because I was pushing so hard that I could barely even breathe. I had ahold of my thighs, the nurse was holding my back up and Andrew was giving me oxygen. Finally, 58 minutes later- Bria Cole Moore made her way into the world in dramatic fashion. She made a "splash" everywhere- even reaching Andrew! She weighed in at 6lbs 10.5 ounces! 

They immediately took her into the warming room as well to clean her off as well as they could. Since they are considered preemies- they couldn't get an official bath until they were 24 hours old. They wheeled me back into the room and it was another half an hour until we got to see them!  

The nurses cleaned me up and two other nurses brought the girls into our room and said- they are ready to eat. And went to leave. I said ummm I've never breast fed before. What am I supposed to do? The girls were like- I have two other deliveries to go to so I can't stay. The second girl seemed frustrated and said I  guess I can stay for a few minutes. 

That's where I will quit for today- (well ive been trying to write this for days)! Here are some pictures of our little ladies from the first day. Until I get my digital uploaded on my computer, these will do! 

Ella Faith

Bria Cole

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