Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Umm.. I'm Okay..."

That's my new favorite saying right now.

How are you feeling? -"umm.. I'm okay.."

I cannot complain, I asked for this specifically!

Here's my daily routine.

Get up. I'm hungry.
Eat. Feel extremely nauseated.
Nausea wears off only for hunger pains to strike.
Eat. Repeat cycle.

I have only choked back vomit a few times and I have been mainly able to breathe through it. I am lethargic to the point of exhaustion if I attempt to do anything.

I took down the Christmas tree a few days ago and it was awful! My body was worn out! So, if I'm at work I tend to sit as much as I can. If I'm at home, I lay down as much as I can. I don't nap that much but try to sleep at least 9-10 hours a night.. That's about what I'm averaging on a non work day.

I basically get relief while I'm eating and while I'm sleeping..

We went out to eat last night at the Texas Roadhouse! (Yum!) thank god they are quick! I said I have to continually keep eating. If my body thinks I'm done, I will be nauseous! & It worked!

I am very thankful for my husband. He hasn't complained that the laundry isn't done or the dishes aren't clean or the house is a mess! And also thankfully my brother in law is off on Saturdays for this month so I don't have to get up early to watch kayleigh at this crucial time in my pregnancy!

Everything does work out for a reason!

Less than 3 days Until my apt! Wahoo!

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