Wednesday, February 17, 2016

First Full Week By Myself, Take 2

IOkay, so this week isn't entirely by myself. I'll admit.
It's closer than last week though. 

It was a day. Not terribly bad, not super amazing. But I can tell it was a day because I took zero pictures. This is from Ella. We stayed in our PJs all day. 

Andrew did take a half day because he wouldn't have seen the girls at all if he didn't. He came home around noon and left at 330 for his away game. Which he won. 

My parents stopped over to take our propane tank for our stove to be refilled, yes our stove has propane.... It's too heavy for my husband to carry. So my dad comes and does it. 

He stopped in for a minute and then left. 

I'm assuming the rest of the day was ok. I don't remember much of it (it's only Wednesday when I'm starting this.. Scary) Jolie did have trouble sleeping through the day so we switched back to our hospital nipples instead of Tommie tippie which we just tried the day before. 

Started out like any other day. Girls were generally fine. We painted toe nails in the AM, Jolie slept good that morning. Girls went down for nap well. Honestly, something was. Wrong in my head. I was feeling off and overwhelmed even though I shouldn't have. The girls were good, minus Jolie once again not sleeping through the day. It's exhausting rocking a baby to sleep that wants it but could careless if she gets it. 

 So I tried this. Yes I know I didn't have he bottom piece up to her neck.
I fixed that after the pic. That only made both of us sweaty and cranky. 

We started painting fingernails when Ella snuck off with nail polish. Cue blue nail polish all over her bedroom carpet. Later that night, Ella climbed on her dresser, then snuck up into the addition which isn't finished and is dangerous with lots of tools. That's all the girls really did that Sta so it wasn't bad. Just Jolie not wanting to sleep just added to whatever my head was feeling and by 645 I texted my husband I was spent. He got done with basketball and was home by 710. Again trying to put her to sleep,'she was exhausted. Nothing. I was dying inside. I it's burst into tears. Then hyperventilating tears later on. My husband was being nice telling me to go to sleep but I was taking it as defeat. I can't admit defeat. I have to do this mom of 3 thing alone and well, with a smile on my face dammit. This is what k was made to do and I have to like it! But yesterday I didn't. I cried myself to sleep. I was still a bit resentful at 230 AM when getting up to feed her, but by 620AM when walking into my toddlers smiling faces... I was better. 

Wednesday-was a new day! Although our plans to go to my  sisters were changed.. We had a good day of sleeping for Jolie. (Evening sleep was rough, but daddy came home at 545pm so he was a welcomed aight after seeing him leave at 7am.) we watched Masha and the beat... If you haven't watched it. Do it! It's so cute. It's my favorite cartoon the girls watch. Netflix. Played play doh, cored, made popcorn and watche Alvin and the chipmunks, read books, helped make dinner, played babies. Jolie ate well.. Slept good, went to Walmart and picked up dinner and bubble bath. I barely had to raise my voice and no timeouts were needed. Their (and mine) reward was McDonald's cookie (and fountain Diet Coke please and thank you) and I feel refreshed. Andrew is staying up to watch the duke game, so he's on baby duty to put to sleep and I'm
About to recharge for Thursday. 


Thursday- my parents took the girls all day. Andrew dropped them of in the morning. Which was glorious. I didn't sleep any extra but I got to relax in my bed just sitting there which I don't get to do anymore. I had my parents take them so they get used to sleeping in their toddler beds down there again. My mom said they asked to go to sleep at 1020, they usually don't go down for a nap until 11 at their house, so they comprised 1040 and woke up at 120! Win! 

Meanwhile, I did laundry, dishes, bottles, scrubbed the couch, cleaned downstairs, and made this! 
I seriously looooooove my heat press. I used it on everything and it's the best guy ever. No lie. 

My friend Ashley got me this monthly bow.
Jolie would rather turn her head so it was hard to see. It's adorable though. 
And my gorgeous little baby doll! I die. She's so cute! 

A lady at my work made the mermaid tail, I don't even know if she knew of my onsession with mermaids or not,
But it's seriously the best! 

Around 2pm I fed Jolie and we ran to the bank and grocery store. I wasn't sure how to do it, but I took her stroller so I could use the bottom and add groceries in there. And I pulled the cart behind me, it was a huge trip where the buggy was overflowing. I packed up everything and Jolie was so good the entire time. Then went to pick up my big girls! 

Andrew came home from school to
Help me unload the car and make dinner. Then he was off to his basketball game. I put the girls to bed and Jolie and I snuggled aka I tried to get her to sleep for 3 hours. Finally daddy came home and it was his turn. 

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