Sunday, July 13, 2014

11 Months....

I can't handle how close we are to their first birthday. Someone make time stop. 

Ellie Bellie, 

You are so active! You are officially walking like a big girl! You started in month 10 and now you are a pro! You stand up on your own, can turn directions and walk 6-10 feet at a time! You are so Independant and get so excited when you walk a good distance by yourself! You get very frustrated when you fall down too many times or try to stand up and fall down. You are definitely the more aggressive one between the two and sometimes you pick on Bria a little bit. 

You are in 12 Month clothes officially! No more 6-9! And still size 3 diapers! We tried size 4 but they are a teensy bit too big still! We have no idea what size shoes you are in but we will have to start figuring it out soon! You still have only 4 teeth but I think one or two isn't far behind! 

We are down to 4 bottles a day and sometimes you seem like you are too busy for that! We have 3 meals and day and always have snacks! Your favorites are bread!!!!! Green beans, peas and carrots, string cheese, hotdogs, blueberries, dried fruit(mixed berries please), pancakes/waffles, bananas, Mac n cheese, tuna, mini ravioli, mashed potatoes, and of course the usual puffs, crunchies, and yogurt bites. You wake up anywhere from 530-6am,630am
Bottle, 730am breakfast, take a 1.5 hour nap around 830, bottle at 11am, lunch  at noon, nap around 1/130-3, bottle around 330/4, dinner around 5/530 and bedtime 7 (and bottle!) it works so well and you both love the schedule!

You are such a busy body! You still love walking behind you walker even though you don't need it. You love getting in your toy box, playing and romping on the couch, walking to momma and daddy, playing in your tent/tunnel, you love opening the puffs container with your teeth, and sticking your entire arm down in there, almost guaranteeing sissy can't get any from you! You love getting into all the cabinets, especially the pullout drawer underneath the stove! You love swimming and bathtime. We recently went to the Fetterman pool and you had so much fun!! You love Florida-Georgia line! As soon as their songs come on - you and sissy both stop and dance! It's the cutest thing! 

You are officially wearing your TOT collar now and I still see a slight head tilt but I think it's doing it's job! Ella, we are so proud of you! I'm still amazed you were such a tiny baby and now you are aucha big sister, picking on Bria and all (we are trying to work on that!) We love you to the moon and back girlfriend!! 

My Bri Bri, 

My smiley Bria! You are hilarious! The littlest thing makes you laugh and your laugh in contagious! We do pretty much anything to get you to laugh! You have the sweetest smile! 

You are perfecting your crawling and you pull yourself up on everything. You love to walk behind the walker and you think it's hilarious! You can't turn yourself around yet so daddy and I are pretty sure when you hit something and it stops you- we think you are saying "stuck".  You are getting good at it but I'm pretty sure if you could talk- slow and steady would be your motto. Your favorite saying right now is no no no. Ella likes to take whatever toy you have in your hands. So you have learned to scream really loud, say no no no, crawl away or turn around in circles to try to get away from her! You probably hate it, but you are super cute when you do it! 

You are officially in all 12 month clothes. No more 6-9- we gave those away to Baby Lylah and Baby Avery to wear soon! You are in size 3 diapers. We have tried size 4 but they are just a teensy bit too big! :) You have 6 teeth now! Once again you get 2 teeth at the same time and it doesn't phase you at all! 

We are down to 4 bottles a day and sometimes you seem like you are too busy for that! We have 3 meals and day and always have snacks! Your favorites are green beans!!!!! Breads, peas and carrots, string cheese, hotdogs, blueberries, pancakes/waffles, bananas, Mac n cheese, tuna, mini ravioli, mashed potatoes, and of course the usual puffs, crunchies, and yogurt bites. You wake up anywhere from 530-6am,630am
Bottle, 730am breakfast, take a 1.5 hour nap around 830, bottle at 11am, lunch  at noon, nap around 1/130-3, bottle around 330/4, dinner around 5/530 and bedtime 7 (and bottle!) it works so well and you both love the schedule!

Mommy and daddy think you will be the musical one! As soon as Florida Georgia Line comes on you immediately run to the gate by the TV and you dance the whole time- it doesn't matter which FGL song, but it has to be FGL! It's the cutest thing! You are also obsessed with the Disney junior songs on YouTube! It's 6 minutes and 53 seconds of all your a rote shows theme songs! We play it before naptimes and bedtimes! It's your favorite! You usually take mommas phone and are entranced by it! 

You love to play, but you love to cuddle just as much! I know it's extremely cheesy but I love when you crawl up to me and cuddle on my chest while you watch TV. It won't be long when you are walking like Sis so I want to get all the cuddles I can! You are a very sensitive girl! The smallest tap from your sister or even a look like Ella is going to come near you can warrent a cry or a tear! Your cries are the saddest! Your big puppy dog eyes are going to get you a lot! They make me melt now! 

Bria, you have a smile that lights up our day, your laugh is one of the best sounds we hear and you will never know the joy you and Ella have brought to me! Mommy and daddy love you to the moon and back sweet thing! 

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