Friday, July 25, 2014

Life Is Changing.

Usually, I don't like change. I love schedules. Which is why I think the girls awesome sauce schedule works for all of us. It doesn't bother me to stay in or work around their naps to maintain our glorious schedule. So when big things get thrown at me like oh say- having twins (besides one) is a big deal. 

It's not that I don't like change. I don't cope well with change because I am a worrier. I worry about everything. Stuff that doesn't matter, but my Type A personality has no other option. Anywho. 

2 years ago, my husband applied for the boys head coaching position. He was the only one in the county that applied. He had been the assistant coach for several years, paid and unpaid. One man outside of the county applied as well. He had much more experience than Andrew but had a pretty rough and tumble reputation. After being drug around for weeks, we finally found out he didn't get the job. We were both devastated. I felt like this was it for him! Fast forward a few months, mid basketball season. Andrew is having a tough time with the new "management". He's pretty profane and overall not a nice guy. Not Andrews style. He was depressed and we were even more mad that they chose this guy to take over. That same month we found out we were pregnant. 3 weeks later- it's twins! Due in September. 1 month before the season would start. We made a mutual agreement - he would resign. No way did I want to be left alone with newborn twins. 

Hubby's last game! 

On the brink of the girls 1st birthday- Andrew has been named the GHS Head Girls Baksetball Coach. Pretty fitting since he's a new daddy to two girls. So that's changing. Crazy schedules, having to frantically find babysitting on the evenings I work (2 a week). And a lot of solo nights for this momma! I'm sad he won't be spending every evening with us, but I know eventually this will be a fun thing for the girls to so with their daddy! 

Now that this is permanent and for sure happening. I need a different job. Story of my life right?! I have always wanted a Monday through Friday job. I need to be home on the weekends and evenings and not have to stress about asking off for them. I think I have found a solution in the health information field. It's not concrete and I have to take classes again which I plan to start soon, but I can eventually work from home. How awesome would it be to work 5am-130 and have most of the day off with the girls  and Andrew in the summer! My kind of Job if you ask me! It's all in the beginning stages but I really think it's what I need to do! 

Change is good.. right?!? 

Anything for these cuties! 
Will Blog more about the photo shoot we won!! :) this is one of my favs- even if they aren't smiling! 

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