Monday, April 7, 2014

Teething Troubles

Newborn stage. I was prepared for. I knew ahead of time not to expect any sleep. I knew ahead of time the demands, the crying, etc. 

People warn you about that. 

They don't warn you that they will teeth, sometimes at the same time, sometimes different times. They don't warn you how it takes their toll on their little bodies, causing them to lose sleep, to be cranky. They don't warn you they will scream so loud it will wake up the other baby. Then you are screwed and can't get them back to sleep. 

They don't warn you that they will need rocked for each nap time while teething. So by the time you get one twin down, it's time to get the other. And then the first twin is up within 10 minutes if putting the second one down. They don't warn you your milk supply will be affected because you can't pump due to no napping babies (actually they do. Sleep and eating is super important for milk production- neither of which I get in a healthy way). 

I'm exhausted. Tired. Dying for a full nights sleep. Cranky. Irritable. But the look and smiles on their faces in the morning somehow make a bad night better. 

Seriously though, I was never so excited to go I work than I was Sunday. Friday I cried. I finally said we were leaving and took the girls to target with me just to get a simultaneous nap. The next day, I did the same thing. I needed out. I can't sit  around and wait for my husband to go do anything. He's rarely home anymore due to track and we definitely have no time together and I hate it. I'm learning to be more independent, but no sleep and two teething babies do not help the situation. I'm grateful he stayed home during basketball season and I apparently gave myself too much credit and thought I would be okay during track, but I was wrong. 

But every hour of sleep lost and every year shed (from me) lol, the fact that I am a mommy to two awesome beautiful babies- totally overshadows this whiny ungrateful post! 

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