Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Traditions

So I totally don't know how to do a "link up" but nevertheless, I thought I would participate since I'm the Queen of traditions in my fam! (I think it annoys 85% of them, but what can I say- I hate change!) 

#1) Put the Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving Day! This is a Moore fam tradition! We started it when we got married. My mom absolutely HATED decorating for Christmas, actually anything for that matter.. So I was lucky to beg her to drag it out beginning of December. 

#2) Christmas Eve PJs- so we grew up with no Pinterest, didn't get dial up internet until I was in 4th grade so u thought my parents were pretty cool for thinking up the whole Christmas Eve PJ thing. We were allowed to open only one gift- which my mom specifically picked out for us. It was magically always Christmas PJs. (She marked the gift with a star so she knew). That backfired one year and she forgot to mark it- we guessed and we all ended up with Christmas Eve Jeans. Sabreena was livid. So- for future reference (because we are totally using this tradition) I will remember to mark them. 

3) Christmas Eve at my Mamaws- 
We would usually go really late like 8-9ish and have finger foods, chips, veggies, a cheese ball and my favorite- Capri Pizza. My mom always cooked our meals so we never hardly ate out (only for birthdays) and definitely didn't get to order pizza). So- I loved it! We would open all our gifts from Mamaw that evening and at the end of the night we always saw Rudolph's nose. (Apparently the top of some sort of tower)- but my parents used that as a ploy to make sure we went home and went right to bed. Ya know- cause Santa was coming.. Lame but not to a 5 year old!

4) Christmas Eve Breakfast (Andrews side of the fam)- it used to be Christmas breakfasts but that was a whole lot of food in one day. Plus Trey and Alyssa would have to leave after only an hour to go to their dads. So we asked for it to be changed and for us to have it at our house. Since we knew babies would be coming soon (who knew- 2 years later!) 

The girls are too little to start any crazy traditions but I do want to do a plate, of either finger prints or feet prints and make one every year! 

I could go on and on and on. Because I love Christmas! For many reasons besides the real reason for the season- the birth of Jesus Christ. He blessed us beyond messier last a Christmas with a Big Fat Positive Pregnancy Test and who knew we would get two beautiful babes out of it?!  

(Pappy and his girls) 

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