Sunday, November 3, 2013

First Attempt at Sleeping in the Crib

Fail. Total Fail. 

Our girls have been sleeping in our room in their swings. The motion calms them down and they sleep amazingly. Most recently an almost 7 hour stretch without waking to eat! We don't strap them in because Ella likes to lay in her side  but they are getting bigger and Ella can scoot herself basically to the edge of the swing so it's time they sleep in their cribs! 

We were pro- no crib bumper until I started realizing that our girls are old enough to lift their heads up and old enough to move around - aka get their arms/ legs stuck in between the posts. So I quickly changed my mind and we purchased a breathable crib bumper yesterday! I set it up. Set up the baby monitor, the sound machine and cleaned out Ella's crib (both will sleep in the same crib). 

We bathed & bottled the girls around 845-9. Ella was so tired she couldn't even finish her bottle. So I set her down to sleep- that was too easy. Bria was a little more difficult, but Andrew laid her down by 930. Nothing. No peep. Could it be this easy? 

The answer is no. Of course not. 

I was pooped- we bought a car yesterday and did some shopping and I  hadn't been that tired since the hospital! As soon as I dozed off- a cry. Got up. Put a binky back in. Laid down. 2 minutes later. More crying. Binky back in. Laid down: this went on until 1am when u said I had had enough and I was bringing them back to our room. 

I feel like we have failed. 

Not 100% sure what our next plan of attack is. But we need our room back. However,  I love sleep also and these girlies love their swings. 

New car! 2nd row bucket seats and 3rd Row! 

The girls did fabulous car shopping! Couldn't be more proud! 

Twinning! All day- everyday! 

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