Friday, June 14, 2013

28 Week Update!

I'm officially 28 Weeks +3 Days! Can I say how surprised I am?! I mean seriously, I have less than 10 weeks, honestly, less than that! 7,8,9?!? It's all a guessing game!

I heard back from my doctor- she said the only option is to monitor my blood sugar for 3 weeks four times a day: fasting and 2 hours after each meal! & that is what I decided to do. I know my body & this is waaaay easier!

Here are all my supplies! The first stick was intimidating & definitely stung a little bit. Probably took me 2-3 minutes to stick myself ☺! I'm okay with it now! In have no stinking clue what they are supposed to be, but I think I'm doing okay? The highest it was was 134 after a huge bday dinner at my mommas house! It's not very consistent because twice yesterday it was 82, but she said just record it for 3 weeks and bring it in? 

Thankfully I have a dr appt Monday with MFM/high risk and growth scan and Wednesday I see my regular OB. I'm sure someone will fill me in! And here's an inconsistent attempts at surveys! 
How far along? 28 Weeks +3 Days!

How big is baby? 2 Cabbages! (Crazy)

Total weight gain/loss: Last I checked up +18 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Pretty much pants only..

Sleep: So, everyone says towards the end you are up more than you are sleeping. I guess I am so used to peeing a lot anyways (before pregnancy), that it seriously doesn't phase me. I still adore and love my sleep. I count down the days until I can sleep in!

Best moment this week: Last week  would be getting the room done! (pretty much) it's at least organized! woot woot!


Ella Faith (after my sister, Sabreena Faith)
Bria Cole (after my dad- Ron Coleman)

Movement: allllllll the time, literally. I don't notice it so much during the night, but seriously, during the day its constant. An arm here, a leg there, a butt? I think there! Its INCREDIBLE

Food cravings: No cravings, just love juicy fruits and veggies!

Food Aversions: Not really anymore!

Gender: 2 GIRLS

Pregnancy Symptoms: at this point, its just symptoms from carrying a huge belly. I have minimal swelling, but backache all day, erry day! Haha!

Belly Button in or out? Not sure yet. Its halfway in and halfway out!

What I miss: last week I would tell you I miss being able to take whatever medication. My ear was killing me and there was nothing I could put in it! After several dr appts and my ear and sinuses getting worse, I was finally given a Zpack. HALLELUJAH! This week, I have craved an alcoholic beverage, which I DO NOT drink normally so I'm surprising myself. It just looks so fruity juicy!

What I am looking forward to: I have 2 appoinments this week! Can't wait to see how big the girls are getting! I'm hoping for AT LEAST 2 lbs and 8 ounces each! which would be like 4lbs of baby!! YAY!  && my husband is off work for the summer as of 3pm TODAY! Yay! I can't wait to be able to spend time with him before they get here

Upcoming appointments/events: 17th & 19th!

Milestones: 3rd Trimester BABY!

Bump Picture: in the works! Its HUGE!

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