Monday, February 1, 2016

We survived!

So we survived Monday-Friday at my sisters! Y'all! I'm pumped. 

My girls have never slept anywhere else. At all. No hotel, no grandparents (minus naps) but never anywhere overnight. So this was big. I was legit freaking out. 

We brought everything we could to make it a smooth transition. Which included taking their cribs. Which was a hassle. They wouldn't fit out the bedroom door Monday morning. 

So this is how Monday went. 
Newborn, 2 toddlers, Andrew-
Who had a basketball game at 12pm, had to leave by 10am. 

He's taking apart the cribs, it wasn't a pretty sight. He was pissed. It wasn't going his way and we were strapped for

My brother in law came over and w eloaded up the cribs and everything into the truck. Meanwhile, all 3 construction workers are here making holes in the girls wall, drawing on the wall, etc. I'm feeding my 4 day old, it's a mess. 

We get to my sisters, the girls play for a little bit and it's time to try nap time. Andrew didn't have time to put the fronts on the cribs and he thought they would really like it. They hated it. Andrew had already left for basketball and I'm there with scared, screaming kids and a newborn. They finally fell asleep and slept for 2 hours. Jolie was gassy and wasn't sleeping well at night so it was rough on both of us. Nighttime was the same for the girls, they were scared and wanted me to lean the side of the crib up to box them in. 
Well it fell over multiple times. At one point I walk in, the side of the crib is fallen over and Bria is laying on the floor next to it. She FELL out and didn't wake up! I scooped her up and put her back in bed and went back in to my fussy newborn. 

Tuesday was Jolies newborn appointment. She was back up to birth Weight!!!! By 6 days!! We discussed our formula feeding and we were on regular similac advance. She said most of the time you end up switching to sensitive. I contemplated it but accepted the samples they gave us of the regular. 
My mom had to watch Sabreenas girls so she watched Ella and Bria too! I have never went out with just one baby!! It was so easy! We went to target for wipes and gripe water, picked up chic Fila for Andrew for lunch at school, dropped it off to him and went to pick up my girls! THey wanted to ride home with Sabreena so she sent me to Walgreens with Jolie & back home.. Aka her house. 

Wedesday- Andrew took off, we went to Home Depot to pick out carpet and basically our big official trip out as a fm silt of five was a nightmare. Ella threw multiple fits- at Home Depot, at McDonald's. In the car. It was so bad. 

Thursday- Andrew took off again and it was newborn picture time. Our 2nd outing. Which was also a mess. But honestly when are newborn pictures not a mess. Jolie was the most alert newborn I've ever seen and she just wasn't having being forced to sleep. It was smoking hot in there because it helps babies sleep. Well, it makes Andrews cranky. Very. Coupled with crazy toddlers ebbing there for2+ hours. Luckily our photographer is bomb. 


I have the perfect spot to get this blown up! I'm pumped!!!! 

Traditional daddy jersey pic.
These are on my list to blow up as well.. Well this one already is blown up and framed.

 & this is going in her room! I die. 

So that was a disaster and a half. 

Friday- official Move back in day. Impeding   snow storm. We don't have a truck so we are at the mercy of a truck owner and the girls naps. Waiting for the girls to wake up and for his dad to get there with a truck and you see inches coming down within an hour was scary. 
But we made it home! 

And we ended up snowed in for 3+ days with 26-ish inches. My mom lives 10 minutes from me and got 37 inches insanity. 

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