Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fifteen Months... Um What?!

My baby girls are 15 Months Old! 

Wait. At 15 Months can I even say babies? 

Toddlers? Ugh. 

Ellie Bellie, 

I just had to get a new phone and have transferred my pictures over to the hard drive already so I have to screen shot some Instagram posts.

My Ella girl. You are a toddler for sure! Rambunctious, fun, dramatic, and usually all around crazy.

 You are cutting two more molars. I feel bad for your poor poor gums.  Also, you are currently fighting your 3rd ear infection and your worst fever yet. Sunday I felt so bad for you. You were burning up, cuddled against momma with a fever of 101. I was running a cold washcloth on your back and you fell asleep. I can't even remember the last time you fell asleep with me holding you. I wanted to cry. I felt so bad for you. You and sissy fell asleep at 630 and slept until 630 the next day! We have a specialist appointment for you next Wednesday to see what to do from here. 

You love to run around like crazy. Pre bedtime is my favorite part of the day. You and Bria chase each other and it's so much fun! 

You love to snack but aren't a huge fan of sitting down and eating lunch. I think because you feel restricted. You still love music, your dancing is hilarious. Some of your favorite things besides music is snacks, suckers, ribbons, your shopping cart, throwing clothes out of the laundry basket, being outside (which it's getting too cold) , you have a new love for your binky. & of course, your MONKEY. Oh how you and Sissy love your monkey! There's no hiding it from you!! If you are looking for it or See it from afar you usually make a whiny Noise because you just want to cuddle it. 

You are still throwing fits, Especially when you are tired. We just got through you throwing a major fit at Aunt Neenies house. At this stage, you have made it difficult to go many places because you hate doing what we want. Like riding in the car. Our saving grace has been Frozen. Oh Frozen. 

In a panic, we turn on Let it Go on YouTube and watch away. We are t even sure if you really blink! 

You are getting so much more strawberry blonde hair and I think your blue eyes are here to stay! You wear size 4 diapers and 18 month clothing. With the occasional 2T or  24 month shirts. It kind of makes me sad. You still look like momma but everyone thinks you look like Dadda. 

I can't wait to hear your vocabulary grow this month. I can easily distinguish thank you right now and it melts my heart. 

Bri Bri, 

Bri bri, you are such a little girl now! Your hair is longer, your running is faster. It's so super cute and some days I can't handle how cute you are! Your personality is super sweet and much like a toddler- with random fits thrown in! Mainly in the morning when you want your milk! And don't want to wait for it to heat up! Or if we don't pick you up immediately when you want to be held. 

You are so fun and giggly. Pretty much anything can make you laugh. Being tickled or being scared are some of your favorites. We play lots of games now became up two are so interactive. A scary hide and seek are always fun! 

You hair is getting super long and is thin Iike Momma's. Your hair is a light brown/dark blonde, which was my hair color at 5-6-7 years old. My favorite wait to fix it now besides pigtails is a bow or flower clip to the side! 

So cute!! Right?! It just curls right under your ears! Love it! 

You had your first ear infection and that day you fell asleep on Daddys chest- which is rare anymore! 

Your eyes are a blue/green. Must be hazel like Daddys. You have 11 going on 12 teeth and your molars look so big in your little mouth! You are in size 4 diapers and wear 18 month clothes. But you can wear some 24/2T and it makes this momma sad! You love to wear socks And shoes. You love to repeat us. You love to be thrown up in the air, or to read a book, or eat snacks. You could eat all day. You love your slide and musical books. We are convinced you will have great musical talent. Your dancing skills have improved so much in the past month ;) . It's so cute to watch! 

You're obsessed with animals and love to woof if you see a puppy! You love the movie Frozen and you especially love the songs. You are such a delight everywhere and rarely fuss! We are so proud of everything you've done. We love you to the moon and back little one! 

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