Thursday, October 30, 2014

Operation One Nap & Sleeping in (MAYBE)

So. The girls sleep hasn't been bad. Don't get me wrong. I don't ever want it to get to that point that we were at before. No thanks. 

Previously the girls schedule has been like this.

6am wake time (girls would fuss from 515 on, sometimes would scream and make us get them at 530). 

Nap 830-10
Nap 130-3
Bedtime 7pm

We tried putting them to bed at 8- still up at 530. 
*** Please do not tell me to put them to bed later. It doesn't work for us. I'm so sick and tired of hearing this. we've tried. It doesn't work. Why would I not let them get an hour extra of sleep if they wake up at the same stinking time?!? I may blow up at the next person that tells me this. Good for you - your kids go to bed at 10pm and wake at 10am. That's just not feasible for us when I have to work and take the girls to my moms by 7. ***

Okay. I'm done. 

It just drives me nuts people telling me what I should do. Shut it. 

The girls are restless at times during the night and way too early wake time. 

We are trying to slowly adjust the nap times and create one nap. 

My mom tried it on day 1 (Monday) - they stayed up until 930 (at my moms they could go until  9 so half an hour). They slept 2 hours!!! Until 1130. They were pooped by 2 and Bria slept about 45 minutes and E slept 15-20. That was one of the best nights of sleep recently! Bria only fussed once, which she usually NeVER does! Ella who is restless 3-4 times a night for a binky, only had to get up once. Slept from 7pm to 6AM!!!!! I was amazed! 

Next day (with Stacy) they make it to 945, until 1125. And slept from 2-3. Went down at 7, didn't make a peep until 615!!!! Well Bria did once but Ella did not. 

Wednesday was a little different they acted exhausted at 930 so I put them down then and they woke up at 1040? Really? So they slept from 2-3. 7-6 again. 

Thursday was a little different. 945-1145. No second nap. Andrew said they fell asleep on the way home from my parents. I got home at 5 and they were screaming . Bloody murder. They were exhausted. Thank god it was trick or treat and there was stuff for them to do. But that definitely didn't work. They were up a little through the night for binkys and Ella wanted up at 515, but she ended up sleeping until 615. Bria woke around 6. 

We will see how today goes! It's going to be a long process, but I think it will be worth it!

Since this is about sleep. :) 

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