Tuesday, May 13, 2014

3/4ths of the Way To One!

3 more months until they turn one. I am happy and sad. & I need to get my butt in gear and lose some weight! 

My Ella Girl, 

You have come so far! You are not only pulling yourself up, you are walking along furniture, tables and holding on with only one hand, you are walking behind everything like a maniac. You are so fast! You can even walk while momma is holding Bri and just hold in with one hand! You LOVE to walk behind a walker and I can't catch up with you fast enough to turn you back around!  You are a speed demon on tutu hands and knees as well! Your torticollis is getting better by the day and your Physical Therapist said she is so impressed with your improvements!! You are officially puff crazy! You still love baby food but get antsy in the high chair. You love all flavors of puffs, and have just started eating the mini baby cheesies and seem to like all flavors of then as well! Yogurt bites are a different texture, but you're getting the hang of them! You say mama, dada, and bye bye. You can wave bye bye but you don't do it on command. You are an excellent clapper and clap after we say yayyyyyyyyyy!! You weren't sleeping through the night very well so we did one night of crying it out and you and sissy have been pros ever since! Sometime teething wakes you up and you need a binky, but that's mild compared to rocking you all night. You now only nap twice a day from 845-1015 & 130-3 & bed at 7/730! You still have two teeth, although your right top gum is very swollen! You still love your baths and we cannot wait to take you swimming! You love to swing and we have such a fun time with you at the park! Mommy just bought you a swing set with some money she got for Mother's Day and we are excited to put it together for you!! You aren't a huge fan of toys but have been playing a lot with balls and fake foods! You are starting to like Micky mouse clubhouse more than you did before! You start "dancing" when the intro and last song come on! You still have blue eyes, a little darker the. Sissys! You hair is whitish blonde and coming in more and more each day! We can actually put a clip in it! Imagine that! We are so proud of you little girl. You're such a people person and you give a smile to anyone that smiles for you! We love you to the moon and back!! 

My Bri Bri, 

You are so much fun! You love to stand up, with mommy and daddy's assistance of course! You are learning the ropes on how to move your two feet to walk and you have recently started going from sitting to crawlig position! You rock back and forth on your hands and knees and I feel like it's coming soon!! You want to be included and do things sissy does so it won't be long! You get so excited when you see sissy walking by! You love to squeal! It's the cutest thing! Along with Ella, you are puff crazy as well! You can open the can with your bottom teeth! We have just started baby cheesies and yogurt bites but you seem to like them as well. You're too funny, the first time you taste anything your facial expressions are the best! You say mama & dada! You've waved hi a few times, but not on command! You love to clap and clap on command when we get excited and say yayyyyyyy!! You have gotten more hair and it's getting lighter everyday! Your eyes are still a beautiful blue! You now only nap twice a day 845/9-1030 and 1/115/130-3! You weren't sleeping very well so we took your 3rd nap away and that has helped so much! You fall asleep very easily for your naps and bedtime- you roll on your side, cuddle your monkey and you are out! You are atarting to get your top two teeth and you can barely even tell! They haven't bothered you a bit! You already look like such a. Little girl with your hair and clips - your top teeth may set mommy over the edge of tears! You still love your baths and we cannot wait to take you swimming! You love to swing and we have such a fun time with you at the park! Mommy just bought you a swing set with some money she got for Mother's Day and we are excited to put it together for you!! You are starting to get disinterested in toys because you want to stand up all the time! You still love to hear Micky mouse clubhouse songs! We are so proud of you little girl! We love you to the moon and back baby girl! 

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