Monday, June 10, 2013


So I am trying SUPER hard not to be negative, but I can't help but cry. I successfully made it to Cheat Lake for my 3 hour glucose test, my lab tech was super nice, drew my blood for my fasting, gave my the glucola to drink, which I downed and told me I would probably feel the most nauseous the first hour. 

I sat down at 8:00 and was told to check back in at 8:55 for my lab draw. I never made it. I started filling out my thank you cards and instantly felt nauseous. I knew what was going to happen. I'm a pro at this. Anytime I drank something throughout this pregnancy without eating, about 20-30 minutes later, I would puke... Seriously every time. 

I started packing up my bag to head to the bathroom, barely got it on my shoulder and vomited in my mouth, 3 times before I made it to the bathroom where it all went down. 

I know my body can't do this. I know it. The cute lab lady felt bad for me and called my dr office and said to return next week, but I can't. I know what's going to happen. If I have learned anything about this- it's how to vomit. I emailed my dr to see if there was anything else I can do- repeat my 1 hr and NOT eat watermelon beforehand?! At this point, I'd be okay with pretending I have GD and just monitoring my sugars daily. I only have 7-8-9 weeks left anyways! 

I cried on the way home of course; just  mad at my body and myself. I so tried to talk myself out of it- but who was I kidding?! 

So I called to talk to my mom, who is always on the dramatic side and that's what I wanted someone to dramatically sympathize with me! Super mature, right? Instead my level headed, wouldn't hurt a fly, farmer dad answers and says mom is in the shower. I told him what happened and he said just don't go back, skip it, you don't have any other symptoms- you're fine! 

I wish it were that easy! I have since emailed my dr begging not to do this again. So- now we wait. I already have 2 dr appts an hour away on my only days off next week because I couldn't get them on the same day.. I really don't want to drive in again for a morning appointment only to throw up. Praying there is some sort of silver lining here.. 

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