Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baby Feeding

I realize I haven't posted much about my breastfeeding.. Err.. Pumping adventures with the girls. And their new foods we started at 6.5 months!

The girls are 7 months and honestly I'm getting very frustrated pumping. I'm down to 3ppd because trying to stress about pumping during their naps was making me more anxious than I already am. 

At 4ppd I was pumping when they woke up to eat at either 4,5,6 am. Try to pump around 11. And then pump at 345 when Andrew would come home and then when they went to bed after 830pm. 

I would stress if the girls weren't on the same schedule and I couldn't pump and it was just bad. But I was making 40-45 ounces a day and left like a rock star! 

So I dropped to 3ppd. At first I wasn't pumping at all when I was home along with them, I would wait until 345 when Andrew would come home and I would be dying. It was almost time for Andrew to start track practice so I knew that wouldn't be feasible. He wouldn't get home until 6/615 so I've. Been pumping once during naps and so far it's working out! My supply didn't take a dip at first I was making 40 ounces but I heard there's a hormonal shift at 7 months and since it's dropped to 30 ounces a day. 

At this point, I'm so fed up. Once I get the chance (aka never) , I'm going to count my bags in the freezer and see when I can hang up the pump. It's starting to frustrate me and I'm over it. But I hate to increase their formula just because it inconviences me. Oh decisions! 

Besides that, the girls are loving food! I was anxious to start it and had looking into baby led weaning- but Ella loved it from day one and now Bria loves it even more- so I can't take it away. 

We have tried- green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, applesauce, bananas and pears. 

No go on the peas. Guess I'll try to mix it with my breast milk.. And a go on everything else. E thought the applesauce was kind of sour, but still chugged it like a champ! 

Next shopping trip, I'm going to buy avocados and make that for them! I was so nervous about feeding them both by myself but it's really not an issue. I usually feed right after a nap and I feed whoever wakes up first! 

Hair people!!! 

Crawling all over momma! 

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