Sunday, September 8, 2013

Home Life..

I realized I hadn't blogged about what it's like being at home! 

When we finally got to bring our little ones home for good- I felt wonderful! I slept in my own bed! Showered in my awesome shower- with 100x better water pressure! Our first night home which was the Saturday 17th- we had the pack n play in our room for the girls to sleep in, we specifically bought a mattress and sheets so that when we transitioned to the crib later on- it wouldn't be difficult! It was an awful night! Someone was always up, they were squirming- even though somewhat swaddled. We were exhausted. What I realize now is we probably had them too far apart. They were used to being aide by side, and here we are making them sleep on opposite ends of the pack n play! Andrew actually was nice enough to take them out to the living room for me around 4am and had them in their swings so I could get some sleep. He said relieve me at 7am and we will switch. I set my alarm for 7am, came out to the living room and he was fast asleep- all 3 of them! I told him to get up and go to bed and he said okay & went right back to sleep! So- I fed and changed both girls and put them back to sleep and decided to try the pump! I ended up getting four ounces total after feeding! I was pretty excited! :) 

After that night- we drug the pack n okay back out into the living room and put the swings in our room (please no judgement, it's what works for us right now- everyone- especially the girls need sleep and true fight sleep anywhere else!) we discussed it with our pediatrician and her own son slept in his swing until he was 8 months old. 

Night time wise- we consistently get up about every 2 hours like clockwork. Andrew was off until this past week so feeding them at the same time was the best thing for both of us. Recently, there are some stretches that they will go 3 hours and you feel like a totally different person!! Amazing! Andrew does have a hard time hearing- which can make it difficult because he doesn't hear their small, quiet whimpers for attention & I hear everything! 

During the day is my favorite! (Now weekends since Andrew is off!!) So far they sleep most of the time- actually a lot of people didn't even know what color Ella's  eyes were because she rarely opened her eyes! (They are both super dark blue btw- gets those from her momma!!) 

Andrew was such a huge help everyday. In fact, he never made me feel like I was doing this alone- like I hear some wives say about their husbands. 

Now that Andrew is back to work, I'm not going to sugar coat this like I see other twin blogs and even triplet blogs. This life is amazing, but its freaking hard! 

I have cried everyday I am by myself! Why? Because I'm feeding one little girl and the other one is screaming her little head off waiting to be fed and there's nothing I can do about it! I try to chin hold the bottle and reach for the othe ones binky, but I just end up making a mess with the one I'm feeding. It's exhausting but so rewarding. Bria is much more needy than Ella, although Ella has been stepping up her game lately. Bria goes from sleeping to hungry in 2 seconds. And there's no in between. & she's a screamer! Poor Ella is always fed 2nd and has the saddest cry ever. & Bria is a bear to burp. That whole process of feeding, changing, burping Bria and laying her down to sleep (because she cries if she is not held when she's awake), then feeding, changing burping Ella and trying to get her to sleep- it takes about a hour or so. Then I need to clean bottles or pump or clear the sink to put more bottles in there- it's time to do it all over again. It's exhausting but when I catch a little smile or they hold on super tight to my shirt or cuddle under my chin- I forget all about the 2 hours of sleep I got or crying because I couldn't stop one of hen from crying! But- don't let the other blogs fool you- unless they are not human- it's hard but totally worth it! 

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