Tuesday, April 23, 2013

21 Week Update!

So I had my appointment with high risk ultrasound yesterday and the MFM.

Baby B is as perfect as can be and is a little camera hog! They were able to image everything quickly on her.

Baby A, on the other hand, wasn't so nice. They are both breech and she is situated first, in ultrasound "below baby b" so she is super hard to see much of anything, head or legs. They were finally able to image her head which they had difficulty getting last time.

Her feet were another story. After what seemed like forever in the ultrasound room, they were finally able to image the right foot, which was normal. The left foot is so squished up against my uterus they cannot tell. It seems as though her left foot is inverted but the ultrasound tech thinks its positional. They did have to mention club foot just in case, but they don't seem too concerned.

I did some research and if the club foot was genetic, she has no other images that reveal it to be genetic. Her spina bifida testing came back normal which sometimes can happen with genetic club foot. Genetic club foot also affects both feet most of the time.

If he inverted foot is due to positioning of the baby in the womb, it is a much easier fix with or without braces.

I am probably looking all of this up for nothing as I am sure her poor little left foot is just squished by her sister and my uterus. I just pray that they are both healthy and happy in there and continue to be once they arrive.

Baby A is 14 ounces in weight and Baby B is 15 ounces in weight. Right on track! So happy about that! And, my blood pressure is 108/60! I was afraid it would be elevated because they just took me straight from the ultrasound (after freaking me out by getting 2 different techs and taking me back twice) but it was great!!! Yay!!

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